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  • Alpha demo coming soon!


Tyrant of Terror is a realtime defense game. Each stage you are tasked with defending a door. You are dealt cards that you drag and drop for defense. The cards behave in all different ways and you need to use smart strategy to win.

You will have to react to situations in the game, many games similar to this you can go in with a pre planned strategy. That will never work here.

Cards are all wildly different, all will be unique. Cards can be leveled up and obtained by progressing in the game.

It's pretty self explanatory right? CRUSH THE PEASANTS!

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  • 30+ cards that wreak havok and encourage emergent strategies! The cards even grow in power.
  • 8 types of fiendish do-gooders to slaughter that get more aggressive as you play on.
  • Set friends and foes ablaze, freeze them or fry them.
  • Insane Laughter and a burning whip helps the Tyrant stop dirty peasants in their tracks.
  • Painstakingly gorgeous hand drawn animation. It's filled to the brim with it.
  • New game +
  • Low system requirements. You can play this on your grandmother's PC.

System Requirements

We are still working this out. Currently the game runs in Unity and will run fine even on low end systems!


There is currently no information about Tyrant of Terror on the world wide interweb. You're one of the first to know!


Q: I’ve found a bug/glitch/typo! Who Do I contact?

A: Please fire up an email to chris [at] tengudev [dot] com. If it’s a technical issue, please include any information you can give about your system.